Saturday, February 3, 2018

Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn exact in 2020 - Change to world power and structure

In Jan 2020 the world has a very rare alignment with Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn and Pluto meet up in same sign about every 33 years. However, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn over 200 years ago, Saturn was not, so Capricorn skipped the conjunction of that fate. This means for the first time in 500 years Saturn is conjoining Pluto in Capricorn, peaking in 2020. These energies are so slow that the influence starts a few years before and lasts a few years after the exact conjunction, yet changes the fate of the world for years beyond.

Brutality and tough love gets Justified

This rare conjunction is made even more rare because Jupiter and the South Node of fate are in Capricorn at the time as well. Plus the sun and Mercury. It's beyond anything the modern world has seen. The South Node there indicates a separation of power. Jupiter in the mix makes all the events that manifest in that era even bigger than they otherwise would be. There's also themes of extreme power, justice and law with Jupiter there.

The Saturn Pluto relationship

Saturn and Pluto's relationship in the sky shows the karmic frame work of the current times. When they are not challenging each other in hard alignments/certain signs, life events stay relatively calm. However, when these two slow moving energies reach a hard alignment, through conjunction, opposition and square, there is always major rare world events, some worse than others based on Neptune and Uranus's role.

The results depends a lot on the sign, Saturn manifests differently based on its dignity in a sign. No matter the sign, Saturn and Pluto together is never easy. However, some signs it manifests down right brutal with the worst suffering possible. 

Saturn and Pluto were aligning for all of the biggest events thru history, including both world wars plus many other conflicts that also affects the money and resources of the world.  People in the modern western world in general, can't imagine the type of hardship and suffering people faced in the world wars. Those were true times of terror, brutality and suffering, some nations hit harder than others. If you were living in those times, it felt like the apocalypse.

The Big Bubble Burst

There is this strong Neptune bubble in the world right now, manifesting differently for all the different groups of people. This will make disillusionment harder when those bubbles burst. People have many forms of escapism from understanding the reality of what's coming. One of those is the new age type of people that might find it even harder to imagine the type of energy Saturn and Pluto create together in mundane context. The thinking that the world has evolved into love and light, a new paradigm, where everything is all magical and fluffy, that we've advanced in some way, that your mind is in control of everything, etc. That new age concept is not new, it comes in cycles and is another form of escapism from the harsh realities of life. It's a normal process that humans go thru in phases, depending on where Neptune is. Saturn conjunct Pluto will burst some bubbles, no doubt about that. The birth chart shows what an individual will face in life. Their way of thinking is also shown in their chart - everything is, down to the smallest details. Yet the common individual has no idea. 

Whatever your personal bubble of escapism is, disillusionment follows.

Babies born in 2020 grow up dealing with this on inner level

This fact also means that not only will the world face the energy of Saturn and Pluto around the years of 2020, but also the children born around 2020 will have very difficult situations to face when they are much older, where progressions and transits trigger those birth alignments within. Destiny is at play though. The people born with that alignment are meant for it. So this alignment in 2020 has ripple effects that extend far into the future.

Authority, Dominance Control and Power 

Anyway, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is about dominance, control and power in extreme ways. It's very forceful, requiring complete obedience from people. Any disobedience will be dealt with harshly and brutally, both on physical level from authorities, and in a karmic sense from a higher power. 

Capricorn is the government sign, the world structures and systems. There will be huge changes to the way the world functions. The Power structure in governments will be changing on core levels, to a more radical conservative system, yet with a taste of innovation to the past in some way. It's the past and the future mixing creating a new radical system of government because of the Uranus in Taurus support. This is a lot of earth energy - which is about the everyday practical life.

World intensity 

This rare conjunction will create the most intense times of our lives. Reality is merging with the unconscious shadow, bringing it to the surface for all to see. The most brutal acts of history take place with Saturn conjunct Pluto. With Jupiter there, it blows it up even bigger. Brutality could also be justified, not only on individual level but also as retaliation for other's brutality, out of a sense of hard justice.

New Laws. The shadow of the world becomes reality

The authorities on all levels will gain more power. New law makers will come into office, new laws will be created. Police will have more power and enforce laws harshly, as we've already seen building. The shadow and secret activity that has been playing out under the surface for years in society, now becomes visible for all to clearly see. The new control by governments will be the strongest that the modern world has ever seen. 

This will be true from the highest levels to the lowest. All governments will have a desire to contract into self, restructuring and gaining more control and power to do what they want, regardless of higher structure. Cities, counties, states, etc will want more power to rule in the way they see fit. Radical conservatism builds. Some governments will have revolution that creates the changes with new people gaining power.

Reconfiguration of the world powers

World powers are rearranging themselves which brings instability to the world balance. Nations want more power in the world, they are tired of how it's been for so long, and they will be willing to fight for change and resource expansion.

Conspiracy, assassinations and scandals

Political assassinations will increase as well, but also other violent attacks. Scandals and conspiracy will play out that brings instability, justifying new laws, bringing new people into power, or taking more power than they already had.

World War, or major World event

I'm going out on a limb to predict a world war type conflict in this era, but with this alignment i see no way around that strong possibility. I'm almost positive of it. I'm not certain of exact timing yet, i'm still working on that but it seems most likely sometime from 2019 - 2026. 

This could also be some kind of other big event with global ramifications. Earth changes, super volcano, or mega earthquakes, storms, etc. It could also be a man made terror event, accident or attack. Pluto rules Plutonium, after all... It might be one big event like world war or a series of radical harsh events that changes the world. 

Financial changes

The stock market and currencies are likely to take a big hit with this. Some kind of instability, bad for some people, but good for others. Things could look real good before they get real bad. There will be a rare change to the world's financial system but whatever the instability is, it creates something new. Perhaps even the possibility of increase in wealth after the destruction. Although out of all the times the market has crashed, it always goes back up in the long run. It's possible it will go back up again later which would make people rich if they buy into it after the next bubble pops. I can't promise our current stock market will remain in place after this era tho, until we get closer to that time and i see how all this is manifesting. This will be a change of wealth and power for people in this next era. Maybe you get opportunities you never had before. In a sense, karma is going to decide what happens next.

All the different indications are here that something powerful and rare will happen to the world the next several years. Saturn in Capricorn is a tough love sign, it's not "nice". It forces what must be done. Chiron will be near Aries point, global wounds, and on the USA IC opp MC square Venus/Jupiter/sun. Plus Uranus in Taurus, all indications of major world events the next several years.

Spring 2018 seeds the future

The spring of 2018 could have a major event that leads to all this by 2020. It might not seem too major in the moment, but has serious world changing results in future. We'll have to see what manifests spring/summer of 2018 to understand that better.

This is just the big picture framework. A lot of different events will happen within that era of now thru 2026. Have no fear tho, this time-frame is everyone's destiny in life. This is when life changes beyond your wildest imagination. We were meant for these times, no matter how it plays out. The world is both light and dark. You can't have one without the other. There is a big picture that we can't understand. All this leads to a golden age for the world. However, nothing stays the same on earth forever, including the climate. Let's embrace change, making necessary innovations.

Your personal charts

Find Capricorn in your birth chart and progressed chart. Also check for planets in Cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This will restructure your Capricorn area of life, forcefully or otherwise. You won't be ale to remain static. It will be more painful to fight it than to let go and allow for the greatest changes to this area of your life you've ever seen, no matter how uncomfortable it is at first. There's a need for added power, control and discipline in your Capricorn side/area of life. More integrity is needed there. This can manifest in so many different ways. The shadow of that area is coming to the surface into reality. If you have energies in other signs around 22 degrees, like the water and earth elements than the changes to your Cap side will be easier, more flowing with less obstacles and hardships, depending on the full details of your chart of course. But in general, this should be true. Cardinal people, not so much. We've been hit hard in these latest times. One big final few year peak to that before our world gets so much easier, one way or another. Cardinal energy is no joke. Being Cardinal person means you have to earn that distinction, it's not for the weak. I guess this karmic crackdown is the big final test to see who's who.

Cheers to the revolution.


  1. I have Merccury chrion conjunt in virgo 2nd house

  2. I was just thinking about the last time Uranus was conjunct Pluto (the 60s), and when Uranus was last conjunct Neptune, and then that got me wondering, when is the next socially impacting transit? It didn't take me long to recognize that we are close to Saturn conjunct Pluto, so I read about that transit in Planets in Transit, transposing the themes of that individual transit to the social plane of the world. What I read concerned me, so I got on the Internet and Searched on "when was the last time Saturn was conjunct Pluto," and that brought me to your blog post, which you posted a year and a half ago! So yes, it looks like a financial recession is eminent. There was one line in your post, where you mention how these planetary forces have such immediate and longterm impacts on humanity, and yet "the common individual has no idea." Boy, that is the truth! It is frustrating to me that I am seen as "The nut job" if I ever start talking about the science of astrology. I think the nut jobs are the people who refuse to acknowledge these forces that have been known about for thousands of years and can be proven time and time again, in our personal lives and in looking back at history. Surely, it is time for all astrologers to come out and insist that people get this stuff. Like, why is this article not in the New York Times? Obviously, the recession will likely occur whether or not Trump is re-elected, but War is also a real possibility with this transit, which surely increases in liklihood if Trump is re-elected. I sure wish I had employment right now, before stuff really starts hitting the fan. I've been plagued with Pluto in the 2nd house for the last 11 years (and still several more to go...yikes!). Thanks for your awesome blog. I will check it out some more! Cheers.


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