Saturday, February 10, 2018

Venus in Pisces Feb 10 - March 6 2018. Time for Pisces to get the love

Venus enters Pisces today 3:19 pm pst February 10 2018 moving thru Pisces until March 6 2018.

This is good change for everyone on some level becuase Venus is exalted in Pisces. Venus is symbolic of the good things to life - pleasure, love, all the sensual stuff like food, sex, the material world, things we desire and want, including resources. Venus shows where the beauty, popularity, love and pleasure is at. It's also the general feminine energy and her preferences. It's symbolic of relationship energy too.

Venus has been in Aquarius last few weeks. All those things she represents above don't exactly follow the rules with Venus in Aquarius, including the feminine and relationships. Basically,  she's been a pain in the ass while in Aquarius. No offense ladies. I'm only speaking generally here. There's been desire for detachment, distance and freedom with Venus in Aquarius, since unsatisfied South Node energy is there.

All that changes with Venus is Pisces. The feminine starts to treat us a lot better in this sign. Emotions and sensitivity come back. The feminine energy in general thinks about other people's needs more than personal desires for freedom and being a rebel. Aquarius is awesome sign, just not the best place for Venus.

Romance and sensitivity desires will get stronger now. It will be easier for money to flow in as well. The feminine love and cooperation in relationships gets easier.  Venus here offers us a lot more pleasure.

The love, attraction and good times is now going to be in your Pisces area of life. People will like you more in that area. It's time for Pisces to get some love. If you are Pisces rising,  sun or moon, you get more love and attention in this phase, including things you want, especially when Venus moves over your degree. Generally speaking that is, as there is still tough energy in other areas of life.

There will be a strong desire to express love and affection with Venus here. It can be very sentimental but also not always logical. Make sure you are not just seeing what you want to see, escaping reality. Its easier to get what you want but also easier to get hurt from being vulnerable and unrealistic, or being taken advantage of.

This is humanitarian energy so charity is common desiring to help others, sometimes sacrificing. I think with Saturn in Capricorn people will still be practical and wise with money but money can flow both in and out a lot easier now.

A desire for deeper connection builds. This can be to anything,  not just other people. Spirituality, fantasy, retreat, mysticism, drugs, alcohol, art, music,  etc, etc all becomes stronger attractions.

The moon enters Capricorn tonight moving over Saturn and Pluto next couple days so the general mood changes tonight, kind of serious, heavy and intense. Give it a few days for this new Venus energy to set in. By the time moon reaches venus day after eclipse new moon you'll feel the Pisces.

Mars is square Neptune for awhile so that is concerning.  Make sure you're being honest with self and others.  On world stage, it means some bullshit is on the way. Read my Feb eclipse post for more on that.  Sickness and disease is a concern with this energy.  But also conflict, deceptive actions,  secret activity, chasing something unrealistic, etc. This is something fishy about the olympics too. Also could be weather, ocean/water or Navy event next few weeks.

Anyway,  enjoy Venus in Pisces while we have it. Check your chart to see what area you have the pleasure in now. Let me know if you need help with finding that.

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