Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Planetary Hours - Finding the right time to do things

People often ask me why i start the week on Tues and not Monday or Sunday. I do that because Monday is ruled by the moon; my moon is in Capricorn, its detriment and has difficult aspects, so Monday is not my best day of the week, especially to start things, or to set the tone of the week ahead. Ideally, my best day to post YouTube videos would be Friday between the 7th through 10th hour after sunrise, since Friday is ruled by Venus, and the 7-10th hours after sunrise are co-ruled by the sun, Venus and Mercury on Fri. That's my best time because my Midheaven (10th house cusp) of how much public exposure i receive is ruled by Venus. But i also have Mercury and the sun conjunct the midheaven, hence posting on the sub ruler hour (sun, Venus, Mercury hours). Starting my week on Friday is a little too out of sync with the rest of the world, so i choose Tues because Mars rules Tuesday.  My main chart ruler is Jupiter in Aries, which is a Mars ruled sign. My Mars in Gemini on the angle of the chart is in harmony with my 10th house planets and doesn't have any hard aspects to it from any other planets, and is ruled my Mercury which i have conjunct the Midheaven - which is also in a mutual reception with Venus, the midheaven ruler. So i choose Tues. Sunday, could work too, since it's ruled by the sun, and i have the sun in the 10th house, but it's Libra so, you know. It's still the sun on the midheaven though giving accidental strength and dignity despite being in Libra (plus the Jupiter in Aries opposition), so Sunday could work too. But, i'll stick with Tues for now.

 Just keep this in mind; everything in our lives is ruled by a planet (a higher power rules everything including planets, of course) so trying to get something or do something on a day that it's ruler is not in charge is futile. Astrology is complex though, so no techniques in astrology will always work 100% of the time. But using astrology gives you an advantage over the average person, whether they "believe" in it or not.

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