Saturday, September 10, 2022

The passing of Queen Elizabeth II - Astrology

I had some requests for me to look at the death of Queen Elizabeth II through Astrology.

On the day of the Queen's passing Sept 8 2022, the moon was in Aquarius square Uranus, square the Nodes of Fate and conjunct Saturn. This is the karmic fateful aspect in the sky for all of us, all of 2022. The aspect gets activated from planet transits throughout the year, including from the moon 4 times a month. I've been telling everyone this aspect is about a tension/battle between the new and the old, the past vs the future. The Saturn Aquarius side is the old/past and needs to be finalized before the new/future comes in. The Queen's passing is just one part of that karmic process.

Here is my prediction for Sept 8 2022 that I recorded on Sept 6 2022.

Below is the Queen's birth chart. She is Cap Rising(govt) ruled by Saturn (the authority) on the Midheaven of the public. Her chart ruler Saturn on MC has a T-square to Mars/Jupiter in Aquarius and Neptune in Leo. Neptune in Leo adds a lot of glamour/royalty and the Mars/Jupiter is a lot of political pressures and also a lack of personal freedom for the queen, as it's square Saturn (her). 

Mercury and the sun are her death planets as they rule the 8th house. Mars has a connection to her death as well, since it rules her Chiron conjunct the sun (death planet/vitality) 

Looking at the Queen's transits to natal chart on day of passing the transit moon conjunct Saturn is right at 20 degrees of Aquarius, right on one of the points of her karmic T-square.

The queen also had transit Pluto conjunct her Ascendant since 2020, plus the big Saturn Pluto conjunction of 2020 conjunct her Ascendant. That is a transit of transformation to self/body, either through death or big life changes. I have seen people die from that Pluto transit, but the queen was able to make it another two years before her passing. Still though, that Pluto transit is ruled by Saturn, which was on her Mars for the first time since the early 90s activating her karmic T-square. Last time that happened, Pluto wasn't on her Ascendant, so this time is much more critical. The transit sun was on her 8th house cusp of death, which happens every year, so you need other transits and progressions in place to show an event.

The South Node eclipses are also in Scorpio this year, first time in 18.5 years, and her chart ruler Saturn is in Scorpio. South Node is about letting go...

Looking at the Queen's secondary progressions we see her death ruler (sun progressed square progressed Chiron for first time in her life. Her other death planet Mercury had been slowing down for years and had just stationed retrograde this past two years as it reached her T-square with Neptune (but her Mercury station means it's not moving) in Leo, one of her death signs.

The Queen also just reached her progressed Full Moon phase, the peak of her current lunar cycle that started years ago. It's interesting that the transit moon in Aquarius is right where her progressed full moon in Aquarius is at, which both are with transit Saturn on her Mars/Jupiter, one point of the Karmic T-square. The progressed moon had also just reached the opposition with her death planet Mercury stationing, the fullness of that cycle. As i've said before, you need major rare progressions to be in place for the transits to trigger an event.

From my perspective and astrology, her death is not a bad thing. She lived a very long life, and this was her time to pass on. She passed on in sleep, peaceful, what more can you ask for. Plus the sun is trine the North Node of destiny and Uranus, helping the new arrive. As i predicted in my weekly report, this week would have positive karmic destiny activations that have long term effect on the future. The trine is a flowing smooth alignment. The full moon is also trine the Nodes of Fate. The Mercury Rx and so much Neptune highlighted right now plus her own Neptune T-square does make me wonder if there is hidden things people don't know about  all this and might come out later but, not necessarily. Either way, the Queen's passing is meant to be as the world powers, structures and systems are being reconfigured and restructured. There is still so much more change to come leading the world to a new era by 2024-26.

Thanks for reading!

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