In this post I will be looking at the USA's progressed chart within the natal chart along with transits to natal chart so we can see what might be on the way for the USA and its increasing gun violence. By progression the USA sun has been in Pisces for the last 11 years (2004). Also the nation's Mercury has been retrograde in Aquarius since 1995 and I see a major change coming to that energy starting now for many years to come which i will explain here in a moment.
The USA's Mars which reflects our gun issues has been retrograde since 2007 in the sign of Libra moving backwards towards Saturn and square the USA's sun but won't reach these aspects for many years into the future as Mars will be retro moving backwards for many many years to come and this can give us a big clue on what to expect with our action, intentions and gun issues in the future.
Mars is the warrior and how we fight our wars and protect our-self. As i mentioned in my first post the USA was born with Mars in a challenging aspect to Neptune symbolizing deceptive and illusory actions, giving the nation and its people a false sense of security and need to protect itself against fears and invisible threats, clinging to guns as the savior of everything and leading the nation and world in deceptive intentions, plus fighting for religious beliefs (Mas square Neptune).
The USA's Mars went retrograde back in 2007 where it's moving backwards ever since and this is symbolic of our warrior going backwards as well combined with the nations Mercury going backwards since 1995, which is symbolic of the nations perception and thinking moving backwards, thinking of the past a lot. It's safe to say we have been too focused on the past, going back over old ideas not moving the country forward in the ways we would have liked.

Perhaps something gets our attention that keeps us focused on the present moment and then helps us to slowly start moving forward with new ideas and innovations for the many years to follow. Yes, some big news is on the way for the USA! 2016 and 2017.
As for Mars, it will be moving backwards for a very long time headed towards our Saturn which could indicate that the guns will come under government control when full conjunction is reached in the year 2031, but that date is too far off to be conclusive as of yet. Plus the year 2020 has a major change in stricture and law so, guns could be banned within the next four to five years. However the fact that Mars is moving backwards for so long means we will not be moving forward on this gun issue for a very long time and that gun violence will only increase in the coming years since there is nothing stopping or changing this energy flow of Mars that it's currently in hard aspect to Saturn and the sun (focus) of the USA and its people.
I actually see some big changes for the USA's values and resources that seems to be positive within a few years as Venus progresses into Taurus and Mercury moves forward while progressed sun trine natal sun but i'll save that info for another post on the financial topic. The year 2020 will bring positive, even if times are hard for a while.
Looking at current transit to the USA birth chart we can see a few areas of concern within the long term big picture. One is that Neptune is square to Uranus. This means we as a nation are going through some disillusionment about ourselves and about other nations around us.
Because the USA has Uranus in Gemini, the same sign as natal Mars a lot of disillusionment will be about our actions and intentions, along with our need for guns and safety. This is going to give the nation a lot of confusion about where we are and where we are going as nothing feels certain at this time.
There is a lot of complexities in politics at this time making the matter worse and causing the USA to have unusual circumstances at this time making things too complex and unclear. This might be causing many Americans to question who we are as a nation and if we are truly being that authentic country that we grew up thinking we were. Even the most loyal and steadfast Americans might be having doubts of our place in the world as well and what future this nation has for the next generations.
The nation is being asked to embrace diversity so we can accept more easily what defies convention.This aspect is asking for Americans to accept each other more and come together as people and not focusing on the differences but rather what we have in common. The nation will be challenged in what they believe to be true on many levels, and even spirituality and opinions will be tested and some found to be untrue. I could write a lot more about this rare transit but let's move on.
Another huge transit is Pluto in opposition to the sun of the USA and square to its Saturn. Big changes happening slowly from behind the scenes! Pluto is symbolic of destruction, power, control, death and rebirth - basically hard transformation to this country. The USA started its Pluto transit in 2008 which was the beginning of this long term yet slow transformation as a nation. 2008 was when Pluto was opp the USA's Venus (money) and we all know what happened with that and has changed us in many ways as a result.
Now Pluto is in opposition to the USA's sun sign. This means the USA is being opposed by powerful forces outside of its control. Pluto is reflecting that America is slowly changing at its core levels. Pluto is digging up everything deep and dirty which is the reason that the USA has so much violence going on these days, including uncovering the dirty corrupt law enforcement problem that has gone largely ignored, until Pluto made it known. As a nation, we have to pull out all the crap and dirty smelling garbage deep within before we can really see positive changes and enjoy the new that wants to rebirth.
This means there has to be a symbolic death before we can truly change and find more light. It's going to get worse before it gets better. At same time Pluto will Square the nations Saturn (authority/control/power/commitments) around the time of the new year 2016 and this could very well manifest in some outer event threatening the USA or the Gov threatening the people, or both. Something new and powerful is headed for America starting now into 2016. Also Uranus will move into Square with the USA's Mercury causing some very unusual surprising news and information, correlating to natal Mercury stopping and stationing direct for next two years. Some surprising news or something very unusual and shocking could come around July 1 2016. (information wise). Yes, something big is on the way next few years! Despite the possible difficulties, it seems these events will bring positive change that i see manifesting in the next era of the USA.
In my next post I will delve even deeper into the overall changes i see coming for the USA and also show how I can tell how each person feels and thinks about the USA as well, if we combine their personal birth chart with the chart of America. Stay tuned for that. Follow me on G+ Twitter and FB for updates. Thanks for reading.
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