Saturday, March 19, 2016

Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse March 23 2016

This FM lunar eclipse will be exact at 5am PDT 3 deg Libra opposite the sun at 3 deg Aries and will be visible to the west coast USA if sky's are clear. Media usually doesn't gives times so when they say March 23 people might think the night of the 23rd but, the show will be over by Wednesday night. So if you want to see this, make sure you get up around 430 am on Wednesday morning.

Lunar eclipses can only happen when the moon is full. This makes the normal full moon tension even stronger as emotional energy tends to be more erratic and unpredictable than a normal full moon. Full moon's are a peak in tension when something changes or is fulfilled but the eclipse is getting in the way of the sun's reflection and so the process of the full lunar cycle might be incomplete causing internal conflict that usually releases under a normal full moon. This process is more about viewing and releasing the shadow in self that has long gotten in the way of self progress in a certain area of your life. This is a process of ending something and the beginning of something new after having hidden emotional feelings arise and release. There could be a change to outer domestic circumstances as well. These shadow issues that come to light might not necessarily happen right at the time of lunar eclipse. They can happen at any time before and up to six months after the eclipse but there is a strong chance of events playing out within a week or so of this.

This full moon eclipse is in the sign Libra. This means there is a strong chance you will experience some kind of change to one or more of your important relationships right before or after this event. Circumstances will tend to be different in some way. If these relationships don't suddenly end, then they will have tension until needed changes are made in the connection between you two in some way. Emotional energy gets very excited over a certain relationship issues at this time; unpredictable.

You might start to feel more aware of the shadow qualities of these important connections therefore causing a change in feelings, for good or bad. It will be easier to see and understand where things have gotten out of balance between you two. This eclipse wants to bring back healthy balance between your own sense of individuality and freedom vs partnership, merging & how much you compromise your self and personal needs. Unhealthy co-dependency will become obvious for folks that have fallen too far into that routine. Other hidden issues between you and others could become clear as well. Even if there is no major issues in your relationships, a full moon Libra eclipse will stir up a lot of emotional energy when it comes to any feelings around partnership, self vs others leading to some unexpected changes by you, or the other. This changing energy supports you finding more balance between individuality and partnership invoking some kind of relationship communication that helps with the needed changes.

If there is a saving grace, it would come from Venus in Pisces with Neptune. This could have a sedative quality where denial and only seeing what you want is possible, being so lost in your own fantasies or illusions that you fail to fully understand where you are out of balance with the other, despite the eclipse emotional tension. Or, and more likely, Venus with Neptune in Pisces could suggest that there is a relationship and emotional understanding around some of your relationship fantasies and illusions causing some disillusionment that greats emotional tension between you and the other. Either way, Venus, the ruler of this FM eclipse is in a very sensitive alignment - Romantic, dreamy, compassionate , etc and even hot to trot over some kind of NEW situation that was unexpected, such as new attractions, desires, etc. The sun in Aries is horny spring energy therefore desires are most likely going to be high around this time. It's just a matter of understanding any new feelings and desires that could effect current partnership. If you are single, new enlightenment could come around how you feel about partnership at this time, causing a change in the near future. Check your chart and the area of life (house) where Libra is on the cusp, this is where changes are coming to.

This eclipse has a positive alignment to Mars in Sagittarius giving a great outlet for taking action on following your dreams within the next couple weeks. However, Mars is losing momentum, slowing down and will station retrograde on April 17 so after that point, it's best not to start new romantic/sexual relationships or action projects until Mars moves direct and reaches 9 deg Sag again months later on Aug 23, after going back and taking care of old stuff before starting a true path of new action in late summer. Therefore, if you have anything you need to get done, it' best to get it done asap before April 17 but everyday that you wait it gets harder and harder to find the motivation as Mars the planet of action slows way down to a dead stop, from the earth's perspective. Again, Mars retro might make sexual activity unfulfilling or awkward for awhile until it moves direct again despite strong desires. It's better to focus on dreams and desires, and how you plan on getting those things rather than trying to do new projects or new relationships.

Jupiter square Saturn round two - more delays in life expansion. The universe is asking for a slow down, doing things right from a solid foundation. You'll be asked to check on some of your beliefs and opinions  again about self and other matters before you can move forward in the ways you want. There could be opportunities this year but some delays in that process as current obligations and responsibilities need to be dealt with as well. Your big ideas and plans still need some realistic thinking and grounding to bring them down to earth in order to make your dreams real. This stop and go process will be in place all year, so don't get too discouraged by any delays to your plans. These eclipses will help bring endings to outdated stuff so the new can start within the next 6 months.

March 27 could prove to be an important day for relationship activity as Venus transits the Pisces Solar eclipse degree point bringing any final surprises by then. April will be much different than current days as all this Pisces energy has made life very dreamy and sensitive but the energy moves into Aries and promotes more clarity, individuality, courage, action and directness to do what needs to be done.

As i write this, March 19 at 930 pm PDT is the vernal equinox Sun into Aries where we have even light and dark day and night, a change of season and a boost to vitality. This is the start to many changes over the next 6 months! Embrace it and happy full moon Libra eclipse!

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