Saturday, March 5, 2016

Pisces New Moon Total Solar Eclipse March 8 2016 - Powerful Unpredictable Events with New Beginnings

Well folks, hold on to your hats, the energetic waves are about to get turbulent. We have a total solar eclipse new moon March 8 at 5:54 pm PST 18/19 deg Pisces. Solar eclipse's tend to stir up energy that's long been hidden, corresponding to unpredictable new events/new beginnings that will have long lasting effects. The sign of Pisces is about the collective; the psychological, the spiritual and in this particular eclipse could be about health on any of its many levels. If this NM eclipse makes conjunction or opposition with any personal planet in your chart from around 17 - 21 deg Pisces/Virgo then will be extra powerful for you. Also this will be an important eclipse for you if you have 17-21 deg Pisces/Virgo on an angle in your 1st/7th or 4th/10th house cusps.  Check your charts both natal and progressed to see where this eclipse plays out for you personally. That's where the shock and new beginning will happen for you.

Eclipse's tend to be unpredictable so it's very challenging to know how it will play out but it's very possible there could be sudden changes on a humanitarian level in world politics needing to make some kind of humanitarian intervention for groups of people suffering as new events unfold over the next couple weeks, starting new beginnings for those folks. This could be related to the refugee problem in Europe and maybe some kind of new situation for the people of Syria. Mercury has now moved into Pisces as well so the universal perceptions and communication style will change from what it has been recently to something different. The focus will turn to faith and religion topics, much more sensitive and compassionate speech towards others. More compassion but at same time some confusion and dishonesty about certain points of views. Intuitive communication becomes strong but if the energy gets too heavy it will be easy for people to escape reality thru any of the many forms such as drink, drugs, imagination, denial, etc.

On a personal level, this eclipse new moon could bring shocking health situations to the light that have long been hidden for quite sometime. Health and or spiritual crisis could manifest with this eclipse. Even if the health crisis doesn't show up on a physical level this new moon eclipse has major health and healing ramifications as the new moon is conjunct Chiron, activating wounds from past lives or early childhood. These wounds could be on spiritual or psychological level. Yet, a lot of times the physical body will develop issues based on these subtle energetic wounds within the psyche. Any old wounds within will have opportunity to be understand and healed on a deeper level starting now over the next six months to a year. Alcoholism and drug abuse is another big concern for people with a lot of Pisces energy so addictions come to the light with this eclipse, and want to be healed.

This is a South Node eclipse which means, something from long ago, either in this life or past lives is getting in the way of you moving forward on some level and whatever that is wants to surface, be realized & accepted so you can begin to make new forward progress on issues related to your old wounds/attachments. This is the time to tap into your intuition and spiritual guidance so you can understand what all these under currents are about.

This new moon eclipse is opposite Jupiter Rx which could inflate and exaggerate any situation or feeling that comes up. Be aware of this and if emotions become too overwhelming understand that Mercury in Pisces has a very vivid imagination foreseeing horrible possibilities that might not even be true. Try to remain grounded and objective while not succumbing to fears. Set new intentions for greater mental, physical and spiritual healing, making long term plans for new lifestyle changes on a very practical level. This eclipse could correspond to circumstances that force these changes if you are unwilling to acknowledge them before hand.

A big part of this new moon eclipse will be about making adjustments and adapting to new unexpected situations & circumstances over the next six months.

This new moon eclipse also has a separating square aspect to Saturn which is slowing down preparing for retrograde. This could suggest there will be tests and challenges to over-come with heaviness and pressure that will most likely set in, and even the possibilities of depression, pessimistic thinking and feeling as it will be difficult to get what you want at this time. Authority in your life within or without might not be supportive of feelings, laying down the law' being more realistic and grounded causing people to begin reevaluating current commitments and responsibilities for the next several months before honestly committing and moving forward. There could be some pressing issue put on you from others that you can't get out of, and that you must deal with in a responsible manner. This will be difficult, the pressure will be strong and you might feel like rejecting this outside authority and doing whatever you want which will only make the problem worse. You need to accept while doing the hard work expected of you right now. You might not feel supported or get praise from those in power but if you do what needs to be done, the heaviness and pressure will lift, making you feel a lot better about yourself. But if you put up a fight and refuse to be responsible than there could be unforeseen long term consequences those those irresponsible decisions and actions. You MUST do what needs to be done at this time, or else face hardship. This could be a responsibility pressure to make changes to your own health as well. Once you get past these roadblocks the energy gets easier.

This new moon eclipse also has a sextile to Pluto while Pluto has a trine aspect to Jupiter. This indicates very powerful energy with this event that will help to transform your life in core ways. The hidden could surface and these new beginnings will change your daily routine, long term plans and your personal beliefs about whatever the issues are that surfaces from the undercurrents out of this event. Expect major power plays and hardcore truths from this event.

Mars in Sagittarius will begin to slow down and fight for faith, beliefs and personal opinions before stationing retrograde and moving back into Scorpio, redoing action already taken in the past. Until then though Mars will be direct in Sag until April 17. On the world stage Mars is the military action and so will begin new campaigns fighting in different ways than we've seen recently. Humanitarian interventions is likely. On personal level taking risk and seeking adventure will increase while Mars is in Sag.

Set new intentions but also be willing to make adjustments to those intentions and plans as new info arises. Start a new spiritual routine and dig into past memories and wounds holding you back so you can begin to move forward in new ways. It's probably best to hold off on starting new physical projects until after eclipse season is over as it makes the energy very unpredictable plus issues of the past need to be dealt with before new life projects begin.

Keep the faith'.
Thanks for reading. Let me know if you need any personal insights.
Happy NM eclipse!

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