Saturday, April 2, 2016

Donald Trump's Astrological chances at becoming president

I've been trying to avoid writing a post about Trump's chances at becoming the U.S. President because such a scenario has seemed implausible to me, and laughable. However, we live in crazy times these days and the United Sates has proven over and over that what the people think should happen, rarely does. So, here i am. Let's have a look at Donald Trump's astrological energy and possibilities come Nov 8 2016.

In the chart above we see Trump's birth chart on the inside wheel with his current progressed chart on the outside wheel. This show's how far his astrological placements have moved since his birth and what alignments his progressions are making with those birth placements.

Trump was born under a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, having sun in Gemini which will be a very important factor for him in 2017. His Ascendant is 29 degrees Leo at the very last minutes of the sign. This is a critical degree of Leo and does show that he is a star rising in this life, especially since his sun is in 10th house with North Node which rules his Leo Ascendant, ensuring that he would have many opportunities for business success through the years.

What's kind of disturbing is that Trump's progressed sun for the first time in his life has reached that 29 Leo Rising spot. This does indicate one of the most profound years of his life, where that top star status is being reached. His progressed sun has been in Leo for the last 29 years but is getting ready to change signs into Virgo for probably the rest of his life starting this summer. Leo Rising can be very flamboyant and dramatic in their expressions, however 29 Leo is by far the most extreme in that expression. Now for a year his progressed sun has been highlighting this dramatic spot.
The Ascendant of a chart is a very important line. The 12 House is behind the Ascendant, which is known for being the area of one's life that is hidden from the public, whereas the 1st house side is very visible to the public. So Trump's progressed sun has been moving through his 12th house of behind the scenes focus for the last 28 years, but has finally reached this most visible spot of his life. This means he is at his most extreme flamboyant expressive behavior of his life this past year until this summer of 2016. It also suggest that this star is currently "rising". 

Once his progressed sun crosses this point into Virgo this summer, everything will change for him. That will be the start of a new cycle for his self expression and purpose, and life. He will not be as extreme and expressive in the ways we have seen recently, and even in the past. Leo is a Fire sign that expresses instinctively, and dramatically but Virgo is Earth energy -- grounded, practical and organized that focuses on details. No matter if he "wins" this election or not, his life will be forever changed starting this summer, for the next 30 years, if he makes it that long.  On one hand, it's good news that his sun moves into Virgo, because if he does become President, at least he wont be this extreme obnoxious ass that we currently see. On the other hand, this points to the most important time of his life, and does have a strong chance of gaining more power than he already has; that's scary for the world. 

Another indication that he has a strong chance is the fact his Saturn has progressed into Leo as well, right with his Progressed MC point -his current public image, reputation and career area of life. Saturn there represents being perceived as a stern authority figure, in public power, and there has been lots of world leaders/dictators with that position, including Hitler.

Trump was born with "Mercury square Neptune". This is a magical placement for people like Bob Dylan when used for story telling, poetry, and music but even Dylan was known for lies and stories that people knew were not true. It's a deceptive energy aspect for his communication. It creates a lot of mental illusion and telling people what they want to hear, regardless how true it is. It's actually a psychic/spiritual placement  as well to some degree, for some people, but that's obviously not Trump's path. 

The problem with this is that Trump's progressed Mars (current actions/desires/ambitions) have moved into this aspect for several years, which is a strong indication of him taking a lot of deceptive action while saying something different. This has manifested as him taking so many people to court over the years, suing for ridiculous matters, trying to steal people's land and resources, etc. It also indicates his current action vs what he says, is also deceptive in regards to his campaign issues. I always thought the people that go around suing everyone, are from the lowest level of life-form. Do we really want someone like that as a leader? If you don't give him what he wants, he'll just sue you for it. 

Trump actually has a very karmic life, so this role of his was meant to be for some reason, but, damn, i hope being the leader of the most powerful country in the world is not part of that karma. At same time, his progressed Uranus has moved closer and closer to full conjunction with his natal sun placement. Uranus is unstable energy, erratic, alternative, rebellious and changes often, for him, his thinking which means he can not be trusted to maintain any line of thought or plans. He has a strong duality about him, so can say and feel one thing one moment, and the opposite, the next moment. He doesn't have enough earth energy to be a world leader, that would allow him to think and feel things out before reacting to them. He's more likely to act on impulse, which can be so dangerous for someone in control of nukes.

This placement of Uranus is actually looking like his future is unpredictable and his life purpose could take a sudden turn, or a sudden unexpected end to his life, which seems very probable at some point, especially if he were to become the president. I hate to say that, and i would never tell a client of mine that, but this guy has it coming.  I'm personally against all violence, although willing to protect myself and loved ones but i feel violence is a sick trait of this world and can't wait until we evolve past that, if we ever do. I say this because i feel he has a strong chance at being assassinated or killed in sudden explosive accident.

 Now i don't want the secret service or any other agency to get their panties in a wad over that statement. I'm just the messenger here and trying to help by giving warning. I advise he retreat, give up this race and go in hiding before some wack job (government officials or otherwise) knock him off. Would "they" really allow a man like Trump to run this country. Doesn't seem likely. 

My thoughts on this are supported by the fact that transit Saturn (karma, authority, law) is making a rare 30 year visit to this eclipse moon and sun opposition, opposing his Uranus which can lead to surprising turn of events for his life. This aspect was in place 29 years ago for a year as well, but his other energies were different back then and not at the critical point, that they are now.

In mind January 2017 only a couple months after the election Trump has some very critical fated transits, that could be a clue to the trouble on the way for him. Transit Saturn will be conjunct his moon and South Node while opposing his sun, North Node and Uranus. At same time, transit Mars will be in his 8th house (known for being the death house) conjunct Chiron (wounds) both T square his Sun/Uranus, moon/nodes axis, including square to transit Saturn as well. The moon in Virgo that day, adds even more critical energy, forming a Grand-Square to his most important points, which have an element of shock and surprise, extreme tension that forces actions, by him or others. There could be big surprises and big karmic events that play out for Trump around Jan 16 2017.

If this doesn't manifest as crisis for Trump, it will still create some kind of difficult situation for him around that time. 

Now let's look at his transits for Nov 8 2016

The thing I see first is that transit Mercury (communication) is on a very important spot in his chart (the IC) Nov 8 with a perfect positive easy flowing trine aspect to his natal Saturn, and a few days later sending the same aspect to his natal Venus. This indicates possible good news for him, where the public perception is in positive alignment with his personal authority and then his values and feminine supporters (Venus). Shit.  Also I see that transit Venus will be with his natal moon, moving thru this birth eclipse axis that day. This happens once a year and would usually bring some affection and sweet feelings to his emotions around that time, which could indicate the social and communication energy that day is making him feel good. Another troubling aspect is a rare positive trine from transit Uranus to both his sun and moon, karmic eclipse axis as well, which is super rare, and could indicate surprise changes for his life path, that just so happens to be exact around that time, on Nov 8.

These indicators above, looks like he actually has a good chance at good news on that day, which could be bad news for the world.

 I do see two rare fated negative aspects as well. One being that transit Chiron from his 8th house is T square Trump's karmic nodal axis while transit Pluto is square his natal Chiron. So Chiron energy will be strong for him which indicates wounding on some level, even if the spiritual purpose of this transit is to heal old wounds, it looks difficult in the process or, something... but perhaps won't be strong enough to matter until January when Mars and Saturn join in.

Trump is also having a Jupiter Return which is a 12 year cycle that gives him opportunities. So unfortunately, as much as i want to say Trump becoming our leader is extremely unlikely, I can't because the astrological perspective hints at it being very very possible. I can't make a solid prediction on this, there is too many contradicting energies in place but I can't rule him out for sure, either. I still feel that if he does get the job, he could face assassination, probably within the first year, but i don't want that or condone it. It's just a strong possibility that we can't deny.

No matter what happens, Trump's life is about to change in major ways for the rest of his life. That much is certain. Even if he loses, this next phase of his life will be different from now on and he won't be as flamboyant and dramatic,  as he's been this rare year in his progressions.

I guess we'll have to see what happens.
Thanks for reading.

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