Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Chiron enters Aries this spring 2018

I'll be posting about a lot of intense difficult energy coming that not everyone can handle reading. If this is too distributing for your well being, please don't read my posts. Not everyone is meant to live with these darker understandings. I was born with sun, Mercury conjunct Pluto on the Midheaven. Taboo is my middle name. I was born to understand deeper meaning of life and death so i'm okay with what i write here and will continue doing so.

With that said, Chiron enters Aries this spring, another indication of difficulty on the way for the world.

Not all astrologers work with Chiron. I find it to be significant. Some say it's the energy of wounds and healing. I find the wounds description better fitting based on my research. Sure, spiritual conscious people can take that to a healing place perhaps later in life, but in this context, it's where the current wounding is taking place.

Chiron has about 50 year cycle so it's also very rare.

Chiron moves into 0 degrees Aries on April 17 2018. This is the most powerful degree in the zodiac, called the Aries point that has global ramifications. 

Aries is the first sign, it's the head, the body, the first stages of life, like spring energy, etc. Chiron is starting a new 50 year cycle this spring, transiting Aries for the next 9 years. 

This means a new cycle for the type of wounding that will be most common in that era. Aries is a war sign, the body, blunt force, head wounds, and so on. Individuals born with Chiron in Aries that didn't have physical trauma, are likely to have at least some kind of body image wound.Those people are older now, getting ready to face their own body image stuff next 9 years. But in this Mundane context, Chiron in Aries is the physical type wounds that can happen from war or blunt force physical trauma.  

Chiron was last here in the late 1960s. Each nation will have different results based on the natal chart. For the USA, Chiron in Aries is always difficult. That's because the USA has Venus at 3 degrees Cancer, then Jupiter, sun and Mercury. This creates square alignment from Chiron. This was part of the bloodbath years of the Vietnam war, plus other violence within the USA in the late 1960s.

Although the states have been at war for what seems like forever, those middle east wars didn't have the same kind of dramatic loss of life and blood like Vietnam did, at least on the American side. Chiron was hitting other countries hard based on their own birth charts. But for the USA, things usually get much worse when Chiron is in Aries because of the conflict with Cancer.

This leads me to believe, based on many other rare alignments that another war is coming that could be a bloodbath for USA military, and maybe even for civilian Americans much like the 1960s where the brutality and blood was god awful. but not for every single person of course.

 At very least it's increase in general physical violence for Americans. 

Other countries will face a lot of difficulties too with all these rare cycles in the sky but i'm not looking at all the different countries charts to know, that would take a lot of time. I live in the states so that's why i mainly write about the issues here.

Stay tuned for my Uranus in Taurus post. I think you'll find it interesting...

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