Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Total lunar eclipse in Leo January 31 2018

The eclipse is exact Jan 31 2018 at 5:26 am PST. Moon 11 degrees Leo, sun 11 degrees Aquarius (11 11)

This is a karmic time of fate when something eventful happens in your life the next few months. It's a culmination to what's already been in the works under the surface for a long time. Some kind of unexpected shakeup and opportunity is offered which creates a change to your circumstances. This will be most powerful if you have personal energy around 8 - 20 degrees of Leo or Aquarius, seen in your birth chart.

 Even if you don't have personal planets there, it can still be karmic changes to your Leo and Aquarius areas of life, but might be more personal than eventful if it doesn't align with your own birth planets.

Life is about to get much more active and down right crazy! Mars is in Sag now and Mercury is moving into Aquarius moments after the eclipse. Dramatic social energy is abound, feelings and expressions get strong. If you're not following your heart, you're about to get a kick in the ass from life.

The sun and Venus in Aquarius is opposite the Leo lunar eclipse. Deep shadow feelings about relationships, money, goals and or material desires that have been building for a while will come to the surface. Feelings and circumstances could get very dramatic next few months as greater awareness and drive for a better life sets in. This will be in group context as well, thru social movements and radical activism.

 There will be karmic/fated changes to certain personal relationships, not just romantic, but also concerning your friendships, groups, family, etc. It could be about romance though, depending on your personal chart. Try not to fight what's out of your control while embracing what is in your control.

When it comes to romantic love, Leo moon is about having courage to love and being authentic in expressing heartfelt feelings and affection. There is a need for more love and attention, being more emotionally fulfilled in this phase of your life. There's new opportunity to obtain what you want the next few months and beyond, but might not feel comfortable at first, if you continue to play the emotional detachment game.

When it comes to romance and love, Aquarius in opposition likes the concept of love and affection, pretending to offer that when it's in a broad perspective, loving life and humanity in general, etc. However, the truth comes out when love turns more personal, especially romantic. That's when the love capacity of Aquarius really shows, usually as they are running away from it in fear. 

 South Node/ Venus in Aquarius gives a sense that it's necessary to be detached and simplistic in desires. Sometimes they might think it's uncool to love, or show affection and vulnerability in sincere ways. But if you think about it, who would want to be in a romantic relationship with someone that thinks like that, unless they too have emotional love blocks.

 It's actually very cool to show vulnerability in relationship, having the emotional courage and strength to give love and affection to others without caring what people think of you. This kind of courage opens up the heart and opportunity to truly receive the same in return. Showing this kind of love courage also helps humanity as a whole.

As the Leo eclipse is exposing the shadow, you might not have been aware of how you've been sabotaging self when it comes to love or getting the material desires you crave. The Leo moon quincunx Neptune might expose this sacrificial tendency. That hidden emotional block within that has been keeping you from receiving all that you want, because of feelings around fear, lack of self worth and self value, or unrealistic expectations from others. There might have been doubts that you can have your dream life. In this new phase, making some adjustments will be necessary in order to obtain what you want.

 Perhaps you've been trying to get love and affection from people that deep down you know are incapable of offering you those types of feelings. Maybe you've been playing it safe for too long, or playing out romance in your mind rather than reality.

 If deep down you're ready for more fulfilling relationships, you'll have to step into your Leo side, being a leader in love and affection. How can you expect love and affection from someone else when you don't offer it whole heartily?

Maybe stop pretending that you love when you really don't. It's not enough to love the world in a non personal way. It's time to love, not just humanity, but on individual personal levels as well. 

It's time to follow your heart and stop overthinking your fears and insecurities. It's time to take risk and go after what you want. It's time to take responsibility for your own happiness, regardless of your circumstances. You are in charge of how much joy you experience in life when it comes down to it. If you're not happy, then make the necessary changes, even if it takes time! Saturn in Cap and Mercury at last minute of Cap shows a plan needs to be followed in order to do what it takes to be more fulfilled in life. It won't happen overnight. You'll also have to be honest about what makes you happy at this point of your life, regardless of what others think about it. You'll have to think about yourself, not just other people. It's about following your heart and passions!

Step up and be a leader in your groups and friendships. Stop downplaying your role and significance. You can have a huge effect on people when you're willing to be more authentic in self expression, including affection.

 The happier you are with self, the more you can contribute to other people. 

When it comes to relationships, save the superficial connections, detachment and games for the people that haven't evolved and matured. Decide what league you want to be in. For grown up relationships, showing lack of affection and lack of vulnerability is very unattractive. 

I'm calling you out. 

Is your love expressed authentically, or just a nice intellectual concept playing out in your pretend world? Regardless how conscious you are to this, life will show you a thing or two next few months about your Leo side. Having the courage to show love even if you get rejected is necessary in order to obtain more fulfillment in your love life. 

What does Leo mean for you in your personal chart? 

If this eclipse is not about romance issues for you, it could be about finding your passion in life. What gives you joy and vitality? What are you willing to work and move towards in order to feel happier? You have some kind of gift, everyone does. If you are not expressing yourself and your unique talents and gifts, you're going to feel emotional turmoil. The more you step into your self expression thru your unique talents, the more you help humanity since we are all connected in a sense. The happier you are in personal life, the more you add to the potential joy for everyone.

This eclipse will offer new opportunity to shine your light bright in some area of your life over the next few months, finding more passion. Feelings will get big and dramatic. The calm is over, life starts moving you radically forward. There is a solar eclipse on the way too which will play its role thru the year. Fate is activated now; it could show you your emotional fears as you're forced to step up to an opportunity. 

Leo moon reflects emotional courage! Let this help you overcome your fears as you move into a new heartfelt passionate phase of life.

There's gonna be drama, no way around that, both in the world/collective and in your Leo/Aquarius areas of life on personal level. This is a powerful Fire moon that will push people to express true feelings. A lot of social energy will be in place now; a lot of activity.

There is a time and place for Aquarius detachment. But with the North Node opposite, we are moving away from that now. It's okay to have FEELINGS and express self, honestly, even if others don't like it. You have to do what's right for you first and foremost, in order for everyone in your life to have more fulfillment. 

If difficult events play out in your life, it's because the universe is forcing changes that you were not able to make on your own. There is a big picture to these events that you might not see. Later, you'll see this allowed you to find more joy and fulfillment in life.

 The energy is really about to change. Mark my words, you'll see more theatrics and dramatic activity from people, including from yourself. Might as well embrace it and get on board the fate train. Make things happen for yourself so life doesn't force crisis. Follow your heart and passion so you can be more fulfilled in life. It's actually all very exciting if you don't fight what is ending. Have the courage to step into a better life!

That's my take on this moon.
Check your Leo and Aquarius houses in chart to see how this will play-out for you.

Also stay tuned for some dramatic world predictions i'll be writing about in near future. I've been in deep research about it all. Life looks to be very wild next few years. These are rare dramatic times!

Happy eclipse!

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