Tuesday, January 30, 2018

USA problem - Mars is going to activate Neptune with the solar eclipse in Feb 2018

After this lunar eclipse in Leo, we get a solar eclipse in Aquarius mid February. I see major events coming for the USA with these eclipses that are tied into the eclipses of 2017.

USA Progressed Chart

 If we put the eclipse chart to the USA progressed chart, it's easy to see there's a problem. I took out most of the planets so it's easier to see this problematic alignment.

Transit Neptune has been conjunct the USA progressed sun for a while. As a nation we are totally out of it right now, lost in our own delusions, inspirations, escapism etc. The general public is very unaware of what's going on and what's coming. I don't need data to tell me the nation is very dependent on drugs right now, beyond what's been normal. But also escapism thru tv, movies, phones and other means that keep us in own reality.

Political Scandal

This Neptune trip is playing out on many different levels. Some of the manifestations are political scandal, conspiracy, behind the scenes activity that the general public is not aware of, and so on. Transit Chiron an opposition to USA Neptune likely indicates harmful situations from all this. There's been a cloud of Lies and Deception over the USA. All is not what you think it is...

Sickness and Health

As Mars moves thru Sagittarius building square with Neptune and USA progressed sun, it sure seems like sickness and health issues get worse on mass scale. Mars will be conjunct USA natal Ascendant as well. This is why the flu in USA is getting worse. I don't see that getting better any time soon as Mars rises square Neptune/USA Sun. Maybe even something different too.

There is also increase for contamination and poisoning. I wouldn't rule out chemical situations. On individual level, be careful of food poisoning, and natural gas leaks this month. There could be something environmentally harmful in the air.

USA Navy Event or weather related

This could also be military event, maybe with the Navy and Air as Mars squares Neptune which rules the ocean. Might be aggression towards the USA that isn't expected. Hard to say for sure, i'm just throwing out some ideas of this energy. It could also be naval accident or ocean event of some kind. Weather could get severe.

Competitive but energy drain/ Fishy Olympic energy

This is competitive energy with Mars in Sagittarius. But come mid February there's going to be an energy drain for a lot of people. Also, i don't trust the Olympics with this energy in play. Maybe countries will use drugs for advantage, something happening behind the scenes that most people don't know about? Maybe it will be a surprise attack, or other aggressive demonstration getting the collective's attention. A weather event? idk, just something with Neptune energy.

Radical activism

In USA, the activism will also face possible serious social events. Uranus is moving forward thru last degrees of Aries. (I'll write about that on next post) which Mars works for right now. So we can say that Uranus and Mars this month will be the right wing extreme, and Neptune sun will be the extreme left. Therefore it seems a political attack is being planned from the right on to the left that soon unfolds getting a lot of attention. Mars is squaring Neptune, you see.

 That doesn't means the extreme left isn't planning too, but i think the right might make a move first. Mars square Neptune is aggressive and idealistic, fighting for what they find inspirational. I cant say for sure if it's physical violence or something on a different level. There is secret activity in the works, that much i know.

On global stage as well, a lot of secret plans....

Conspiracy and homeland changes 

The USA political scene has a lot of scandal right now. I really think Neptune on USA sun is a conspiracy building/unfolding. Whatever this next eclipse in Aquarius mid Feb seeds with Mars square, it will likely come out in the open by this spring. Whatever the biggest event is by this spring, will lead to something even bigger by 2019 into 2020 that i'll write about later. 

Events might not happen right on eclipse, but rather before and after.

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