Friday, February 12, 2016

How to help your child fulfill future personal success by knowing the dates of the different phases within their 30 year progressed lunar cycle

This goes out to all you parents out there. Did you know that astrology can pinpoint crucial turning points of evolution in your child's growth to becoming a mature adult? What i would have given for this astrological knowledge to be given to my parents about myself as a child because it could have made such a huge difference in how successful i would have become as an adult, if only my parents had known what to keep me focused on thru my childhood. That's what the 30 year Progressed Lunar Cycle Report can help us understand about our children, because they are so young we can keep them on the right track from the beginning which could be so important to their future success. Now when i say "success" i mean successful in becoming the person they are meant to be in this life, which isn't always about business or financial success.

Every month, the earth has a 28 day lunar cycle starting with a new moon. There is 8 different phases within this cycle including the full moon half way thru where the waxing energy reaches a peak and then starts to release energy thru the rest of the waning phases. This same process happens on a long term level for each of us. Rather than being 28 days long, our personal progressed lunar cycle last for 30 years! However, this cycle has different starting points for each individual depending on the moon phase they were born under. So people might start their life on a full moon where others might start on a balsamic moon, etc. It all depends on each personal unique birth chart. Having the dates of each phase for our child can be extremely helpful to know because this report will tell us your child's first New Moon phase which will start them on the very beginning stage of a long 30 year process where half way thru 15 years later will be a flowering time in their life when they reach the progressed full moon phase that last about 4 years. This high moment of flowering phase for the child's life will be the rewards for the previous 15 years that all started with their progressed New Moon phase which can happen at any age depending on the unique birth chart.

The thing to know about this long 30 year cycle is that the full moon flowering phase which has the most potential allowing for personal success is only going to be as bountiful as the amount of work we put into our life the previous 15 years. This means the most important date to know for your child is when they begin a personal progressed new moon phase. That phase will be when seeds are being planted (so to speak) for what will flower in the full moon phase 15 years later. Now, most people are not aware of when this new moon happens, besides life circumstances most likely starting new in many ways. But the new moon is a dark time, because there is no light being reflected from the moon until it progresses forward into the crescent phase a few years later. This is when those seeds from the new moon phase planted consciously or otherwise begin to sprout and show results in the person's outer life. This is where the true hardwork starts to maintaining those baby spouts for the future grwoth.The more focused someone is on a long term objective for their life from the very beginning, staying the course for those 15 years, the more likely their personal full moon harvest phase will be healthy and abundant providing them with full illumination to their life and possible success.

Most people not aware of this long process so might unconsciously set intentions for their life around the new moon time but then in later years deviate from that course starting a new plan for the future maybe even a few different times within that 15 year waxing energy process, therefore weakening their full moon success potential. It would be like planting a garden on the new moon, only to uproot and start over multiple times before the harvest when really that time should have been for a vegetative growth process in order to have a full mature harvest later. It would be like starting a garden late in the season. It's just not going to produce as much as it would have from the start of spring. That's what the new moon phase represents - spring and new beginnings that manifest later.

You can see then, how useful this information for your child is. This report tells you the dates of each phase for your child and what years they should be focused on a long term objective that will aid in their future success. If your child has a new moon at say age 5, then they will have a full moon at age 20. The dates all depends on your child's unique birth chart, so children will experience these phases at different times. The child doesn't need to know about this, and you can let them take a natural course evolving their personal interests but around their new moon phase you will most likely see them interested in a particular area of life. For example: they like fire trucks, or police cars, or they want to be a movie star, or a writer one day, etc Whatever they are into around the time of their new moon will tell you what this next 15 years of waxing energy could potentially create for them, This will help you keep them on track with their goals. Now, this can't be forced, or even become to much of a thing, or they might rebel against your wishes depending on their personal birth energies. You have to allow them to find their own path, but this knowledge helps you keep them focused on that path so they have a bountiful harvest later. Again, you can do this without their knowledge which is recommended so not to make them feel like you are interfering with what they want for themselves, however this info will give you advantage on how to keep them on track. Or, it's just info for you as a parent so you know when and what phases your child will be going thru as your raise them.

I highly recommend this report for all parents. I think it's very important to know. Not only for your children but for your own cycle phase dates as well! That's why i keep this report very affordable at $40 USD. Once you have these dates of phases, you have them for life! If you are interested in this report, please follow this link to order, then email me the name, birthday, time of birth and location of birth for the person getting report along with their current location to I will then send a conformation email within one day letting you know how long before the report will be sent to your email via PDF doc, which could take up to one week depending on how much work i have. Thank you for reading and i hope this information will go a long way in you assisting your child for future success. Order here - 30 year progressed lunar cycle report Thank you!

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